Happiness, One Note at a Time.

I love photography. A Frozen Magnolia shares my passion through notecards to bring happiness to the sender and the receiver.

  • This Happiness ...

    You walk to the mailbox and, amidst the bills and junk mail, there's a notecard, addressed to you. It makes you smile, right? In these days of texts and emails, it still feels good to get a handwritten note from a friend or family member. A note you can set on your island for a few days or put on your frig with a magnet. To remember the well wishes, whatever they may be. Notes of encouragement and hope. Notes to say "I'm sorry." Or to say thank you, give a compliment, or a prayer. My favorite, "I'm thinking of you." Nothing else needs to be said.

  • And Then ...

    Then there's the sending. To a friend who's been on your mind. Or that elderly aunt who's in assisted living who probably doesn't get much attention, or mail. Maybe you have a kid in college and you tuck a little money into your note to go along with "I miss you" or "you've got this." When you put the stamp on and take it the mailbox, take a second, and think about the smile you're putting on that person's face.

  • A Frozen Magnolia ...

    I am from Mississippi, the Magnolia State. I married my husband and moved to Minnesota.

    When I got here, I didn't own anything made of wool! I froze! Voila, A Frozen Magnolia!

    I recently retired from the practice of law. I've always loved photography and had this creative side, but you can only make a legal brief look so pretty! It's time now to let those juices flow!

    I hope you enjoy these notecards as much as I've enjoyed making them for you.

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